China is in Trouble

China's Economy is Collapsing

The Chinese Military continues to anger every nation it attacks. These confrontations caused the West to finally wake up to the true nature of Communist China (CCP). As western attitudes to China have changed, western businesses have started pulling out of the country. This has caused the collapse and bankruptcy across the China.

Chinese retirement funds were seized by the Chinese government. And in typical Communist fashion, they started the disinformation campaign to convince the people affected that it is just an accounting change:

The CCP is getting more desperate. They are attacking the west at every turn. However, by threatening western companies inside China, the companies are finally leaving. The western companies should have never opened an office in a communist country, but even the progressive CEO’s running these companies can’t escape the reality of the political realities of the CCP’s actions:

The Kunming Provence in China is falling into bankruptcy.